I spent my morning in the Strip District with a large cup of coffee and a good dose of leisurely wandering. At five minutes to nine there was a line forming for these gorgeous quarts of fresh strawberries. They sold out shortly after the market opened, so I was happy to nab some. They're pleasantly tart!
I much prefer small strawberries to their large under-ripe counterparts in the grocery store. I use them for tarts, ice cream, or this simple, delicious Strawberry Spaghetti.
Some of the produce looked irresistibly good. I bought several bunches of chard, thyme, parsley, and salad greens. I also picked up some lemon soda to make Tinto de Verano. Then I went home and made some roasted garlic hummus (delicious!) and a green lentil ragout (disappointingly awful!)
I really love the Strip District. If there wasn't homework to be done, I would have stayed longer.
they look sweet indeed!
Did you get them (and the greens) at the Firehouse?
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