I've gone through rather pronounced baking phases this year. Some involve a specific ingredient (bananas, semolina) and others involve a specific technique or cookbook.
At the moment I think i'm in baking limbo. I've been uninspired. I'm baking less frequently and i'm unfocused. I am impatient for the end of this strange, rainy, in-between season.
I have repeated a few recipes: cardamom poundcakes, granola, and these little carrot honey cakes with orange cream cheese frosting. I'm hosting a brunch on Sunday and i'll be repeating David Leite's baked french toast along with some steel cut oatmeal.
I'm really looking forward to the summer. There was some fantastic looking rhubarb at the food co-op today, so I bought a pound. I'll probably make a compote. Tomorrow i'm planning to visit the farmers' market in the Strip District and make some pickles.
Maybe the imminent influx of cherries, berries, peaches, and tomatoes will pull me out of this slump!
We all need a step back for inspiration sometimes. Sometimes it's a complete weekend off the kitchen that does the trick, sometimes a new restaurant, a new book. You are right, summer fruits are great to get back into the baking groove!
Yes, I agree with helen... sometimes we just need to forget about cookbooks and food blogs and find inspiration elsewhere. It is happening to me now actually. But I have to say we are starting to get cherries, peaches, apricots... and I have been baking away! I love stone fruits because they are so simple, you know? I simple cobbler will do. No fuss. Love that.
And by the way, the cupcakes look great. I am a carrot cake lover.
These are delectable. I would love having them over and over.
OH MY GOSH. I can't wait to try these. They look amazing!
When you get into baking/cooking ruts, I find it's best to only cook when you truly feel like it, and only if the recipe strikes you. Otherwise, it feels like a chore.
Those look so cute!
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